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What is the Governor’s Dashboard?

The Governor’s Dashboard provides a summary of how we are performing on the Governor’s high-priority policy areas.

The State has gone through a strategic planning process to identify a few wildly important goals (“WIGs”) for the current fiscal year (July-June). The Governor’s Dashboard and WIGs help the State direct attention towards a selection of priority efforts, and are not intended to capture all the great work that is being done across the State. For more information on department specific goals and objectives, please take a look at the latest department performance plans.

These dashboard pages represent priorities identified to date, but goals may be modified, removed, or added as needed to reflect the needs of Coloradans.


Statewide Priorities

In order to ensure successful completion of the administration's priorities, Governor Polis has convened several cross-agency initiatives or working groups. Each initiative or working group has defined  "Wildly Important Goals" that direct its efforts and indicate whether the State is making progress in these areas. 

Governor Polis’ Second Term Priorities (2023-2026)

Governor Polis' First Term Priorities (2019-2022, implementation ongoing)